Portland Symphony Orchestra

Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 2:30 pm


ON DEMAND December 1 – December 31

Eckart Preu, conductor

This year, your PSO is bringing the Magic of Christmas to you!  Watch this new, online concert led by Music Director Eckart Preu, with special guests Alyson Cambridge, James Kennerley, the Magic of Christmas Chorus, the Portland Ballet, and Pihcintu Multicultural Chorus!  Featuring Christmas classics as well as a world premiere holiday work and the beloved “Sleigh Ride”!


COLERIDGE-TAYLOR: Christmas Overture
VEJVANOVSKÝ: Sonata Natalis C-dur
MENKEN: “A Place Called Home” from A Christmas Carol
FULLAM: “Somewhere”
RICHMAN: Hanukkah Medley
TCHAIKOVSKY: Selections from The Nutcracker
HUMPERDINCK/TARKMANN: Hansel and Gretel Prelude
WINEGLASS: PSO Commission and World Premiere
TRADITIONAL/RICHMAN: Christmas Sing-a-long
ANDERSON: “Sleigh Ride”
TRADITIONAL: “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”

Artists and programs are subject to change.