July 4th Concerts!
Peruse our many and various selections of music for your AMERICANA Concerts!

Choral Music selections
We have a wonderful selection of music for your choirs! From Winter Holiday selections, religious and secular and everything in between!

Complete listing of our music for Concert Bands for all occasions!

The Paths to Dignity Project forges connections between homeless advocacy groups and cultural presenting organizations. Join the Project participants which have included the Symphony of the Mountains, Kalamazoo Jr. Symphony, Raleigh Civic Chamber Orchestra, Bangor Symphony Orchestra, with upcoming collaborations in Boulder (CO) and Bismarck (ND).

Music for SOCIAL AWARENESS concerts We host a unique catalog focusing on social issues such as climate change, breast cancer and the universal appeal for peace.

New to our Roster!
Known for his energetic rhythms, rich harmonic language, and striking colors, Colombian-American composer Josh Rodríguez' musical imagination has been formed by his bilingual multicultural heritage. We are happy to handle Mr. Rodriguez' exiting ¡VAMOS! and his new Star-Spangled Banner arrangement!

The Warming Sea
March 19, 2022 brought the world premiere of Lucas Richman’s The Warming Sea, commissioned by the Maine Science Festival to serve as a catalyst for public awareness and discussion regarding climate change in the Gulf of Maine and its destructive impact on the U.S. Eastern Seaboard.

Music Books
These collections assemble a prodigious outpouring of musical creativity into separate volumes for Piano, Violin and Soprano

"Un Pasto con Luciana e Mario"
Concerto for Violin and Cello by Lucas Richman, written for Mario Foah's 100th Birthday!